
Value function that implements a conflict resolution stategy for majority voting.

class Optional[openclean.function.value.base.ValueFunction] = None)

Bases: openclean.function.value.base.UnpreparedFunction

Value function that implements a majority voting strategy for conflict resolution. Selects the most frequent value in a given list of values during the preparation step. Returns a constant value function for the selected value as the preparation result.

If there is a tie for the most frequent value the tie is broken using a given tiebreaker function. If no tiebreaker function is specified an error will be raised.

prepare(values: List[Union[int, float, str, datetime.datetime, Tuple[Union[int, float, str, datetime.datetime]]]]) openclean.function.value.base.ValueFunction

Select the most frequent value in the given list of values. A constant value function is returned as the result.

If there is a tie for the most frequent value the tie is broken using the tiebreaker function. If no tiebreaker function is specified a ValuError will be raised.


values (list) – List of scalar values or tuples of scalar values.

Return type
